Portsmouth Holiday Parade December 1st: Each year we parade our school in front of thousands of people (and prospective families) in this annual event. This year it will occur on December 1st at 5:30-7:30pm and we would love to have you join us and have your kids IN THE PARADE! Our theme this year is "Hot Cocoa" and we are looking for folks who would like to dress as marshmallows to hand out packets. (Yup, you read that right!) Contact Sarah Fleck sfleck@Seacoastcommunityschool.org if you want to take part!
SCS Strategic Planning Gathering a Success!: After six months of planning and preparation the gathering to brainstorm the new direction for the school brought out over 45 people to do the "heavy lifting". We gathered as a whole group and imagined what our school would look like, broke into smaller groups to work out the details, and then reviewed the Survey we sent out to the larger community over the past few weeks. Now comes the culling of ideas into larger concepts that will be done by the Strategic Plan Committee and the Board in retreat in January. Special thanks goes out to everyone who turned a good event plan into a great day!
Giving Tuesday is a GREAT day to Give! How do we do so much as a school and still keep our tuition costs reasonable for families? Why, the Annual Fund of course! Because we never charge what it takes to fund the full experience for each child at SCS, we use our Annual Appeal to make up that difference. Last year we set a record of raising $50,000 from our community and this year we will be shooting for $65,000. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY ON GIVING TUESDAY, Nov. 27th. We need your help!